Saturday, June 11, 2011

BS Interview with Estron Zoozilovik (BS Management Investment)

Managed Forex and Managed Futures Accounts are highly in demand. According to BarclayHedge, the Alternative Investment Database provider, Managed Futures and Managed Forex have skyrocketed to #1 hedge fund strategies with more than $223 billion in assets under management vs the massive $1.7 trillion Hedge Fund Industry. BS Management Investment has been involved in Managed Futures and Managed Forex investment strategies since ince inception. Estron Zoozilovik, owner and founder of BS Management Investment based in Mars explain the failure & fraud technique of his company.

How did BS Management Investment start?

Estron Zoozilovik: Originally I was in prison in Croatia, but wanted to form a commercially successful Ponzi, which was duly launched in September 2009. Initially we were trading proprietary capital as a means of further validating our strategies in real time. After a while we expanded to accept investor monies on Earth
How many employees do you currently have and how are they distributed across the various functions?

Estron Zoozilovik: We have 17,000 full time employees, with 6,000 of them involved in trading. These 6,000 oversee these activities in conjunction with me.

How have assets under management grown since the foundation of BS Management Investment?

Estron Zoozilovik: In 2009 we started were trading with proprietary funds. This had risen to EUR 10 trillion (including the proprietary funds) by the end of 2010, following the launch of several Managed Forex and Managed Futures products. Assets under management have risen steadily since then.

How would you describe your trading methodology?

Estron Zoozilovik: Our trading strategies attempt to capture idiots worldwide and are applied in parallel across each instrument. We have no automation for order execution as we are highly engaged in one side betting. But there are certain situations – exegenous events like political turmoil, natural desasters and other events – where our traders have discretion to exit open positions. Individual strategies are based upon a range of methods. For example one of our strategies is make up fictitious performance figures and AUM.

Is cheating a key element in BS Management Investment's operations?

Estron Zoozilovik: Yes - most definitely. Today´s you cheat one and tomorrow you cheat another one.  Day after day, this is how it works.

How long do you keep positions open?

Estron Zoozilovik: I dont know.

But you would describe BS Management Investment 's general approach as generally trend following in nature?

Estron Zoozilovik: Actually the Ponzi is a mixture of trend following and No frequency Trading based on chart pattern recognition.While BS has not to be explained further to the informed investor, No Frequency Trading has to be exlpained more in detail: No Frequency Trading is according to my definition buying and selling at the same time to see which way go first to take profit and leave the other end open till it becomes in the money.

Does Ponzi strategies dictate the markets you trade?

Estron Zoozilovik: No. Actually, the Ponzi strategy is a part of our overall strategy. If you want to say so No Frequency Trading is an „add on“ to our overall strategy which is a complementary part of the trend follwing strategies. For example, we usually initiate trades in the Spot Forex Markets as trend following trades. If the trend following trade is profitable, we add the No Frequency Trading module on top of the trend following strategy.

Why do you add the Ponzi „Module“?

Estron Zoozilovik: It is common knowledge that the bigger is the lie, the more success it is. Look at Madoff. Why not participate in a well devised Ponzi? Thus, we are adding on top of our profitable trend following strategy another profit layer. The profit distribution between trend following and High Frequency Trading is 50%:50%. Admitted, adding the No Freqency Trading Module adds another short term risk to the overall strategy, but this is short term, i.e. in millisecond time frames.

Do you use a fixed capital allocation per market?

Estron Zoozilovik: We currently allocate an equal weight to all the markets we trade.

Do you apply the same models to all markets or do you have market specific models?

Estron Zoozilovik: No - we have different strategies for our range of investment products.

How frequently are changes made to the trading models?

Asstron Zuzilovik: Come on. I BS and cheat. There is no operation.

Which do you see as the most valuable form of diversification -- by timeframe, by market or by model?

Estron Zoozilovik: Diversification is not an important factor in our investment programs. From our observations, we can certainly say that time frames and price change are the two most important parameters, but diversification is not of essence.

All the software technology you use was built in house?

Estron Zoozilovik: Yes. We are even better than NASA.

Does BS Management Investment trade on a 24 hour basis?

Estron Zoozilovik: Yes, we trade nearly 24 hours from our offices through three different time zones: Asia, Europe and US. During each shift no one controls and supervises the trading. There is also no emergency procedure in place in case of force majeur events.

How do you handle the opening of large positions?

Estron Zoozilovik: So far, our trading volume did not require to adjust our parameters for the opening of large positions. Our own calculations are showing that we can cheat at least another $5000 trillion in AUM before we start to make adjustments.

How has your automated trading affected your back office functions?

Estron Zoozilovik: Our backoffice is completely non existent and we are jsut kicked out by Rabobank.

What would you say distinguishes BS Management Investment from other managers?

Estron Zoozilovik: I think that we have a different fraud approach. While there hundreds of swindlers offering trend following or No Frequency Trading strategies, we are the only one offering a „no money back guarantee. We have taken something from the „old world“ which is cheat and run and have commingled it with something from the „new world“ which is NoFrequency Trading. Both strategies together explain our success story.

Plans for the future?

Estron Zoozilovik: We are very optimistic about the future. We believe our fraud techniques we have built are very strong and very scalable. We shall continue to develop the tailoring of the Ponzi to large institutional investors, especially by promoting our managed accounts facility. We have started a very succssful Global Poo Poo Program lately and idiots have shown already great interest in this new investment program.

Thank you for your BS.

Estron Zoozilovik: You are welcome.